Evaluates the predictive values for the observed values used to fit the model and its latent states. Predictions can be made with smoothed values, with filtered values or h-steps ahead.
- object
fitted_dlm: The fitted model to be use for evaluation.
- t.eval
numeric: A vector of positive integers indicating the time index from which to extract predictions. The default is to extract to evaluate the model at all observed times.
- lag
integer: The relative offset for forecast. Values for time t will be calculated based on the filtered values of time t-h. If lag is negative, then the smoothed distribution for the latent states will be used.
- pred.cred
numeric: The credibility level for the C.I..
- eval.pred
boolean: A flag indicating if the predictions should be calculated.
- eval.metric
boolean: A flag indicating if the model density (f(M|y)) should be calculated. Only used when lag<0.
- ...
Extra arguments passed to the coef method.
A list containing:
data data.frame: A table with the model evaluated at each observed time.
theta.mean matrix: The mean of the latent states at each time. Dimensions are n x t, where t is the size of t.eval and n is the number of latent states.
theta.cov array: A 3D-array containing the covariance matrix of the latent states at each time. Dimensions are n x n x t, where t is the size of t.eval and n is the number of latent states.
lambda.mean matrix: The mean of the linear predictor at each time. Dimensions are k x t, where t is the size of t.eval and k is the number of linear predictors.
lambda.cov array: A 3D-array containing the covariance matrix for the linear predictor at each time. Dimensions are k x k x t, where t is the size of t.eval and k is the number of linear predictors.
log.like, mae, mase, rae, mse, interval.score: The metric value at each time.
conj.param list: A list containing, for each outcome, a data.frame with the parameter of the conjugated distribution at each time.
See also
Other auxiliary functions for fitted_dlm objects:
# Poisson case
data <- c(AirPassengers)
level <- polynomial_block(rate = 1, order = 2, D = 0.95)
season <- harmonic_block(rate = 1, order = 2, period = 12, D = 0.975)
outcome <- Poisson(lambda = "rate", data = data)
fitted.data <- fit_model(level, season,
AirPassengers = outcome
var.vals <- coef(fitted.data)