Defines the prior of a structural block to be such that the latent states sum zero with probability one.
- block
dlm_block object: The structural block.
- var.index
integer: The index of the variables from which to set the prior.
- weights
numeric: A vector indicating which linear transformation of the data is 0 with probability 1. Default is equivalent to a zero-sum restriction.
The covariance matrix of the evolution and the drift parameter are also altered to guarantee that the zero sum condition will always hold. The discount factor must be the same for all variables whose prior is being modified. For the details about the implementation see dos Santos et al. (2024) .
Junior, Silvaneo Vieira dos Santos, Mariane Branco Alves, Helio S. Migon (2024). “kDGLM: an R package for Bayesian analysis of Dynamic Generialized Linear Models.”
See also
Other auxiliary functions for defining priors.:
polynomial_block(mu = 1, D = 0.95) |>
block_mult(5) |>
#> Mixed DLM block.
#> latent states:
#> Var.Poly.1: Level (1 variable(s))
#> Var.Poly.2: Level (1 variable(s))
#> Var.Poly.3: Level (1 variable(s))
#> Var.Poly.4: Level (1 variable(s))
#> Var.Poly.5: Level (1 variable(s))
#> Linear predictors:
#> mu.1
#> mu.2
#> mu.3
#> mu.4
#> mu.5
#> Status: defined
#> Serie length: 1
#> Interventions at:
#> Number of latent states: 5
#> Number of linear predictors: 5